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Saturday, February 5, 2011

Hi guys ,
I was just in the neighborhood  , and I was thinking about how much people stare. Do people realize when they are staring ? Is that just a reaction or are they just obtuse ?
Do they realize they are staring , but don't bother to stop ?  Are we that interesting that they need to stare at us ? Just today the neighbor girl continued  to stare at my dog and me . I was just outside brushing my dog and she came along on her scooter . Why did she continued to stare at me ? At the age of 11 or so she didn't have enough skills to realize that it wasn't nice to stare .  Her parents obviously  didn't tell her that staring is rude .
Not only kids do stare though , I see grown adults staring as well . Perhaps we are really interesting to them . Parents don't bother to teach their children anymore .  Staring is not nice and very rude . Today I was outside talking to my best friend on the phone and we were talking about our daily lives . Then the neighbor girl and another girl came along , they both stared at me . Do you stare ? It is alright to take a glance at someone , but to continue to stare at a person is rude . After telling my best friend , we agreed that the world was filled with wacko people . We live in a wacko world .
Comment and let me know what you think .

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