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Thursday, February 3, 2011

Hello guys ,

How are you ? I am doing alright . Same old , same old . School work , and the teenage life . As a teenager , I feel as if the world is going to collapse . Everything is a huge deal to me .
So what is a huge deal for me today ? Well Miley Cyrus  is a big deal for me .
I don't like Miley Cyrus . I used enjoy watching her show when I was younger , but no she is advertised way too much . Not only do you see her on every little girl's cloths , but now when you go into the purse or clothing aisles you are forced to look at Miley Cyrus labels jammed in your face . Even if you are trying to buy a cereal box her face haunts you everywhere you look . If you turn on Disneychannel you are more than likely to see Hannah Montana reruns . Do you know that you can buy a whole room with everything Hannah Montana or Miley Cyrus ? Not only that she canceled her show because she wanted to continue with her singing . She used be an innocent little girl and people used to enjoy seeing her every Saturday morning . Now she is a different person .
Her music sounds sexy and inappropriate for young girls . She has a taken a wrong turn , she was trying
to sell her products to young girls from the age of 4 to the age of 13 . When she decided to take a different turn she gave up her young fans , instead she got older teenagers . She is only 17 and yet she seems as if she is screaming , " I am  thirty !!!" Do people really want to buy her music and if so who really does buy her music ? Do parents let there 6 year old daughters listen to her "new " music ? Although she may be an idol for young girls everywhere , she isn't . She only became famous because her daddy is .
She is not even a really good singer . Sure , she has a little talent I will give her that , but
she is a world wide famous singer ? No . Do you see her helping out in the community or giving away her money . No .
What do you think ? Comment and let me know .

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