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Monday, February 28, 2011

Procrastinator Anonymous

Procrastinator Anonymous

I am a procrastinator , I hate change , I can't face it .
I hide under my covers and hope that goes it away . When I pull that cover off my head , it is still there waiting . Day after day it will still be there getting bigger and bigger.
The ball is my court . It is up to me to face things .


Sunday, February 27, 2011

Hi guys ,
I just saw the King's Speech , what an outstanding movie !! Not only does the history blow you away , but the obstacles that King George the 6th overcomes . It is a movie that I would watch again and again . I don't want to give it away , but I would recommend that you see it !! Although , that it is rated R , it was only rated R because of some vulgar language . 
I wouldn't worry about that too much , it wonderful movie that won my vote .
Hi guys ,
I just wanted to tell you all that I have been really busy and life has been beyond hectic over here . I will try to blog more , but I just haven't gotten the time yet . I wanted to do so many more blogs that I have done , but I just didn't get the chance . Have a great week ! Check back for more blogs .

Wednesday, February 9, 2011

Hi guys ,
How are you doing ? Alright so I wanted to mention something that so stupid .
One word , Snooki . Who is this big blob of hair ?!?! What has the world
come to when people start liking a blob of hair ? Nicole Polizzi, a.k.a Snooki , is a stupid chick who thinks she is amazing . First off who even watches Jersey  Shore ????
Then there is her big blob of hair . Who does this ?!?!?! Also this girl is just flat out stupid .
What has the world come to when people are watching this weirdo ? There is nothing nice or good about this girl . Do people even care about her ? No .
I am not trying to be harsh towards this weirdo , but really why do we even let people like this be on TV ?

Comment and let me know what you think .

Monday, February 7, 2011

Hi guys ,
How are you doing ? I was just thinking of how people ditch their carts . For example you are at the grocery store and you bring your shopping cart to your car . What do you do with it when you all done unloading ? Do you just leave there by the curb or do you take the courtesy to walk it back to the store ? In California I witnessed people of different ages just leaving their carts everywhere . Sometimes right in a parking spot .
What has the world come to that people are so lazy that they can't put their carts away ? 

So let me get this straight , you pay millions of dollars every year for a fancy gym , but you can't put away a shopping cart ??!!?
Not only that , but there is always a place to put your shopping carts in the parking lot .
I have witnessed people just ditch their carts literately 20 steps away from the cart rack .
Has the human population gotten so lazy that they don't even bother with putting away their carts ? While in Idaho , I have only on a rare occasion seen people ditch their carts .
While in California they leave their carts scattered everywhere .
It is okay to ditch your cart when it is an emergency like you just found out your father is sick and you need to get to him as soon as possible . Or your small infant can't be left in the car while you go put your shopping cart back in the store . Whatever the emergency is you can leave your cart , but don't just leave it there when you have nothing else to do .
You are expecting people to pick up after you , even though people are paid to pick up your carts it isn't right to expect it .
Comment and let me know what you think .

Saturday, February 5, 2011

Hi guys ,
I was just in the neighborhood  , and I was thinking about how much people stare. Do people realize when they are staring ? Is that just a reaction or are they just obtuse ?
Do they realize they are staring , but don't bother to stop ?  Are we that interesting that they need to stare at us ? Just today the neighbor girl continued  to stare at my dog and me . I was just outside brushing my dog and she came along on her scooter . Why did she continued to stare at me ? At the age of 11 or so she didn't have enough skills to realize that it wasn't nice to stare .  Her parents obviously  didn't tell her that staring is rude .
Not only kids do stare though , I see grown adults staring as well . Perhaps we are really interesting to them . Parents don't bother to teach their children anymore .  Staring is not nice and very rude . Today I was outside talking to my best friend on the phone and we were talking about our daily lives . Then the neighbor girl and another girl came along , they both stared at me . Do you stare ? It is alright to take a glance at someone , but to continue to stare at a person is rude . After telling my best friend , we agreed that the world was filled with wacko people . We live in a wacko world .
Comment and let me know what you think .

Friday, February 4, 2011

The Kindle

Today , the Kindle is a big deal for me . Alright we have newspapers , magazines , books , ect. so why do we need a Kindle ? What is the big deal about this thing ? Have we really become this lazy ? So now we don't have to hull around a bunch of books , but we have the chance to bring another electronic device ? So instead of reading a good book with actual pages we choose a computer screen ? What happened to people enjoying going over to the library or the bookstore to get a new book ? That wonderful smell of just printed pages and the words that fill your mind . It is all still there . We have become lazy . We don't need a computer screen to drag around to the beach , football game , or whatever other activity . For me that brand new book smell , turning the pages manually , is better than sitting down with a computer screen .
What are your thoughts ? Comment and let me know .

Thursday, February 3, 2011

I was at Panda Express tonight and I observed people of all ages talking and texting on their phones . Now this is not the first time , I have observed this . Has our world become a secluded place ? Will no one speak to each other in person ? I am not telling you to stop using phones at all , but take a step back . Is your life consumed with phones ? Do you constantly forget to talk with people in person , but still have time for your phone friends ? Now phones can be a excellent way to communicate between people , but when is it enough ? Families across the country don't speak though dinner or basically at all and are always attached to their phones . I understand that their parents work late hours and are home at 5 or 6 every day and the kids leave at 6:30 and come home at 4:00 , but what do they do then ? They only have a short window of time to spend with their family , but instead they spend it with their phones or other internet devices . When their parents do get a Saturday to spend with their children , they spend it going to the movies . Hopefully the real world and in person relationships will not die out .
Comment and let me know what you think .
Hello guys ,

How are you ? I am doing alright . Same old , same old . School work , and the teenage life . As a teenager , I feel as if the world is going to collapse . Everything is a huge deal to me .
So what is a huge deal for me today ? Well Miley Cyrus  is a big deal for me .
I don't like Miley Cyrus . I used enjoy watching her show when I was younger , but no she is advertised way too much . Not only do you see her on every little girl's cloths , but now when you go into the purse or clothing aisles you are forced to look at Miley Cyrus labels jammed in your face . Even if you are trying to buy a cereal box her face haunts you everywhere you look . If you turn on Disneychannel you are more than likely to see Hannah Montana reruns . Do you know that you can buy a whole room with everything Hannah Montana or Miley Cyrus ? Not only that she canceled her show because she wanted to continue with her singing . She used be an innocent little girl and people used to enjoy seeing her every Saturday morning . Now she is a different person .
Her music sounds sexy and inappropriate for young girls . She has a taken a wrong turn , she was trying
to sell her products to young girls from the age of 4 to the age of 13 . When she decided to take a different turn she gave up her young fans , instead she got older teenagers . She is only 17 and yet she seems as if she is screaming , " I am  thirty !!!" Do people really want to buy her music and if so who really does buy her music ? Do parents let there 6 year old daughters listen to her "new " music ? Although she may be an idol for young girls everywhere , she isn't . She only became famous because her daddy is .
She is not even a really good singer . Sure , she has a little talent I will give her that , but
she is a world wide famous singer ? No . Do you see her helping out in the community or giving away her money . No .
What do you think ? Comment and let me know .

Wednesday, February 2, 2011

Reuse , Reduce , Recycle

Hi guys ,
Here is that wonderful essay that I promised you all . I hope this essay will urge you to start recycling and make a difference .

Reuse, Reduce, Recycle

Do you ever wonder if recycling your trash is actually worth the effort? Well many people don't think it matters if you throw your household items in the recycling bin or the rubbish bin. It does make a difference. Recycling is critical for our planet if life as we know is to continue for centuries to come. Recycling not only can save the environment in which we live, we can actually earn money from this endeavor as well as strengthen the ties to our own communities.

First off when you put that one soda can in the refuse bin you are letting one more can go to the landfill. Thousands of landfills surround our lands, where millions of garbage trucks come and drop off their waste. Now you may be naive enough to think that the junk just magically goes away; no, it sits there for thousands and even millions of years. Think about this next time you are tempted to toss that can into the garbage: just one can takes eighty to one hundred years to decompose. Furthermore, plastic takes up to one thousand years to decompose and glass takes over one million years to break down! Not only can a plastic bottle save long years rotting in a landfill , but the environmental damage caused by emissions in producing a new bottle and the oil used to manufacture it will last for generations. While many people may debate that the earth will always stay pure, clean and regenerate itself, that point is not valid if not outright ridiculous . If we all keep polluting the earth with more and more garbage, the earth resources such as clean drinking water, will become spoiled and unclean. When you recycle you are making a difference and changing the environment for future generations to come. You can recycle discarded personal belongings, household items, glass, cardboard, plastic, cans, paper, and virtually everything you use in your daily life. Some may dispute that recycling is too much of an effort, it really isn’t. If you live in the city, you will have a refuse bin and a recycling bin. It takes one small change just putting it in another bin. While most people that live in rural county areas might have a more valid argument that recycling is a hassle, they too, have options to transport garbage into town. Perhaps the most popular excuse people use NOT to recycle goes like this: "Gee, I am only one person. What difference can I possibly make?" One plastic bag CAN and WILL make a difference and if we all help out, together we can substantially improve our environment. Every bit makes a difference. To illustrate this point, Stanford University saved the equivalent of 33,913 trees and the need for 636 tons of iron ore, coal, and limestone by just recycling items on their campus alone for one year. Did you know that it takes 75,000 trees every week to print the Sunday edition of the New York Times? Maybe next time you won't be careless and just dump your newspaper in the garbage can Plastic rings -the kind you see holding a six pack together- end up in our oceans literally strangling the sea life as well as birds. Animals perceive this trash to be food and ingest it with fatal consequences. Do your part. Save and recycle everything from food packaging to vehicles parts. The life it may save may be the wonderful creatures around us as well as our future generations.

Not only do you help the environment by recycling, but you can also make money along the way. Most recycling centers pay you money for your waste. You can be paid for your glass, plastic, metal, even old appliances. Over time this can add up to hundreds of dollars in your pocket annually. In addition, we need think reuse. All kinds of new items can be made with old, unwanted materials instead of just letting them sit around taking up space. You can make anything from purses made out of old, worn t-shirts to glass bottles made into snow globes. Also there are many functional items made from recycled junk such as bottle cap chairs and food wrapper purses. (see resources image 7 , 5, and 6 ) There is an endless list of things you can make and use in everyday life. By saving your milk cartons, plastic bags , paper bags , aluminum cans , etc. you can make fantastic creations for your home, gifts or simply breathe new life into something previously thought of as trash. Lastly, there is a growing amount of artists who make an honest living by turning trash into masterpieces. (see resources , image 8 and 9)These magicians of recycling create green creations wowing their viewers and urging more people to recycle.

Finally, by recycling you can bring your community together. Every little part of your community can help out and have fun. You can build new friendships and learn more about the different people in your community. By getting everyone involved, we will be one more step closer to having a trash free world .You can collect recyclables around your city and then use the income to build community parks, libraries, or whatever your town needs.

In conclusion, recycling is crucial if you want the environment to survive for many years to come. Do you really want to tell your grandchildren fifty years from now about how the world was before it was polluted with trash? We have to change our destructive ways before we irreparably ruin earth. Helping the environment, making money, and bringing communities together are important goals we all should strive toward. Whatever you do, remember every bit makes difference so reuse, reduce , and recycle!


Blashfield, Jean F. and Black, Wallace B. Recycling Chicago, IL: Childrens Press, 1991

Dorion, Christiane. What If We Do Nothing? EARTH'S GARBAGE CRISIS Pleasantville, NY:

World Almanac Library, 2007

"Fun Recycling Facts." http://recyclingfacts.org/content/fun-recycling-facts

"How to Make Money Recycling. "


National Recycling Coalition. "Economic Recycling Benefits and Facts ." http://www.recycling-revolution.com/recycling-benefits.html


Duct tape prom outfits, Image 1


Bike Arch, Image 2


Balloon dress , Image 3


Recycled Magazine Mirror , Image 4


5 Innovative Chairs Made of Only Recycled Materials , Image 5


Water bottle chair , Image 6


Food wrapper purses , Image 7


Drift Wood Horse Sculpture , Image 8


Recycled Dragon made out of cans and bags , Image 9

Wow , I was just thinking of how people are so obsessed  with Justin Bieber . If I hear another

I have Bieber Fever , I could lose it . I really hate Justin Bieber . His weird music seems
to take control of people all over the world , even adults are getting " I love Justin Bieber " tattoos .
Who does this ? Perhaps he is an alien from outer space who has come to take over the average person's mind . Even strong muscle dudes who pull up in Harley motorcycles are dying to have the chance to meet Justin Bieber . What has the world come to ? What is so likable about this guy ? Does he have beautiful hair ? No , he has hair that looks like it is a wig . Not only does his hit song , "Baby , Baby " have bad lyrics , animals are lying down and moaning of the sound of that song . Although most may say that I am harsh and should give this blond kid a chance , we shouldn't give him a chance . He is has taken over our lives . Who is Justin Bieber ? The next Bill Gates ? No . Yeah , he has a lot of money , but he isn't an icon , he hasn't done anything great for the world . People wake up !! Justin Bieber is a fraud .
What do you think is so great about Justin Bieber ? Comment and enlighten me .
Do you enjoy reading books and would like to read more , but can't find any reviews on any good books ? Check my favorite site : http://www.bookshoptalk.com/

You can also write reviews about books that you love !! You can learn about great books and let others learn as well !! Check it out today !! Also , if you find a really good book , don't forget to comment .

Update on my life

Hello ,
Yes , I know it has been a very long time since I last posted . When I first started a blog , I was unsure of what a blog actually was and how to work it . Now I realize a lot more and hopefully will be posting more . Hello there friends and family , for those of you that have never known that I actually have a blog . I got this blog because well I wanted somewhere to write down my thoughts and daily brilliant ideas . As most of you all ready know , I am book addict and constantly dreaming about my fantasy life as well as your fantasy life . I love recycling and helping out the environment . One person really can help out and make a difference . Someday I will post my recycling argument essay that I wrote for school . As you fully know , I am very crazy person . On that note I will signing off for now . Check back , for more posts .