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Tuesday, July 17, 2012

Well, Yeah...

So, anyways I know that I haven't exactly been writing very much in here, but guess what? That is OKAY! Calm down people, anyway it isn't like anyone actually reads this thing, but I like that way. It makes me feel like I am all alone and like I belong. This is MY blog and I can feel free do whatever I wish in it! Yay, go crazy for me. I am on the road again, yep. Location this time is South Dakota. Yes, Mt. Rushmore here we come! So, here in South Dakota it is very different, okay well every place in the whole world is very different from well every other place in the world. I love my piece of the world, but I do enjoy every little piece I get to see more of. Besides the well-known attractions such as Mt. Rushmore, Crazy Horse, and some of the known caves there really isn't much to do in South Dakota. I do enjoy shopping around with my mom and hanging out with my family. It is fun to just be a kid again, you know what I mean? When you get to that age that you feel like you are growing up just to fast and you can't slow it down. It is like you are a roller coaster going the speed of light and no matter how long and loudly you scream there is no way that coaster is slowing down just for you. I HATE change I don't care what it is, but I hate change. Okay, yes changing your clothes is always a MUST, but changing locations, schools, getting a driver's license, getting married, boyfriends, first kisses, first dates, well let's just GO WITH EVERYTHING IN THE WHOLE WORLD scares me!!! Yes, there are a few exceptions like hmmmm. well I am going to make a list of things that I like or love.

The LIST of things that I like or LOVE:
1. Roller Coasters
2. Silverwood
3. Ice cream
4. Movies
5. Books
6. Really hot guys (hhaha, but yes.) :P
7. Computers
8. Minnie ( my car)
9. Collecting key chains for Minnie
10. My Dad
11. My Mom
12. My Cousin
13. My dog
14. My cat
15. My other cat
16. My horses
17. Ally ( my best friend)
18. T.V.
19. Time
20. My math teacher
21. My brother
22. Summer
23. Fall
24. Swimming
25. The WATER! :D :D
26. Writing
27. Going to the library
28. Listening to music!! LOVE LOVE LOVE!!! LOVE! LOVE.
29. Holland
30. Europe
31. Trains
32. Slides
33. My bed
34. Walking my dog
35. Walking in general
36. Shopping with my mom
37. Shopping in general
38. My pink shoes!
39. My lucky converse
40. Doing things scare me (kinda)
41. Las Vegas
42. Gambling on horse races
43. Canada
44. New York
45. San Diego pier
46. Seaport Village

Alright, I am going to go watch a movie now. I will continue my list later. :D

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