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Tuesday, June 19, 2012


So, it seems like I haven't kept to my promise about entering in something for you to read every week. Oh, well. What are you going to do? Anyway, I haven't really been up to much lately. I went back to my hometown to stay with my dad and cousin. So, I was on the road again for awhile last week. It seemed like I didn't have control over my whole life so I decided to prove to myself that I could be independent by doing something that I could do for myself and prove to myself that I am in control of me. So, I have always wanted to be skinny than the weight I am. Which is none of your bussiness by the way. Never ask a lady what her weight is. Didn't your parents teach you any manners. Anyway, back to the subject at hand so, I decided to go on diet. I have always hated running or any sort of physical activity so, I decided that going on a diet would be the best solution. So, I looked over the book and thought, "Hey, this can't be that hard. All I have to do is eat and not eat anything that I am not supposed to eat." WRONG! Okay, so yes it is basically what I said above, but when your dad bakes muffins and all of this really delicious food what are you supposed to do? I am not a quiter and will NOT give in to temptations, but I couldn't help thinking while sitting on the couch watching America's Got Talent listening to every sound and crunch of the squeezy, gooey Cinnamon rolls that maybe just maybe I was missing something really good that could have been mine in seconds. Then I look through Teen Vogue and Seventeen and realize that I want to be one of those skinny, glamourous girls smiling in the photos. So, yes I would NEVER be part of the crowd and would never want to be skinny just because everyone else was or just because I wanted to look somewhat like some of the girls that wander the halls of my high school with their arms wrapped around some cheesehead guy drooling over them. NEVER! So, yes reading back over that I sound a wee bit childish, but really I don't want to be those idiot girls. Honestly, if we are speaking honestly here. Seriously if you are one of those girls reading this right now it is STILL a free country you are more than welcome to leave. Hey, you were more than welcome to leave three paragraphs ago. So, honestly speaking I don't even think those girls want to be where they are right. Being a girl myself I think that no girl would ever reach that ultimate low and just be arm candy for some dumb guy. And no I am not a "guy hater" I am actually quite the sucker for love. I do watch romantic movies and hope to myself that someday some magical guy will come around and just be there for me watching my favorite movies over and over again. Then, reality hits and I realize that that guy doesn't exist in this realm and probably never will so, move on and just write out all of your feelings in this mindless blog that no one even reads. Sure hey I don't ask for people to read this, but honestly it gives me some sort of comfort knowing that people are actually reading this and knowing that some whacked out teenage girl who has nothing better to do than write weird junk in a blog is out there. So for you guys that are turned on by someone independent free spirted and must I admit beautiful whacked out girl yes, I am here. Hahha.. Wow.... I actually wrote hahah to myself or whoever you are. And no I am not telling you where I am right now and what color my shirt is that I am wearing. Okay, back to the subject at hand well actually is there ever really a subject I discuss in this blog? No, not really... Maybe I should... No, scratch that I would actually have to think before writing in here. Hmm.... well did I have ever tell you why I don't want to drive? Okay, well before you judge I actually I am a good driver and I don't run over anything unless you are some freaking dude on the side of road. Just kidding. Maybe... Anyway, I don't want to drive because probably somewhere deep inside me I feel like I could be responsible for whatever happened out there. Okay, so honestly I don't think I would probably crash my car and kill myself and whoever is with me, but I am scared that maybe I could. I am working on not being so scared anymore. Yes, I know it is hard to believe, but yes even I am scared of a lot of things. I don't know why, what is seriously the worst that could happen? Oh, besides dying and lossing everything. Well, the reason I won't drive still remains a mystery, because come closer I am going to tell you a secret.....I DON'T EVEN KNOW!!! Yes, it is true even the great and fantastic whacked out teenager ( Maybe I should rename my blog that) doesn't even know the answer that question. Oh, well guess it will remain one of life's biggest mysteries that and where Big Foot is. Hahah. Nope, I can't be serious. Don't hate, Don't do drugs, Don't smoke, of course drink when life sucks, but DO LOVE! Hahha, just kidding about that drinking one please don't drink if you are under..........99. For those of you under 99 don't do it!!! I warn you all if you do it I will find you!!! Hhaha. Just live life, you only die once. Unless... you are a cat, dog, zombie, vampire, or anything other sort of weird supernatural thing out there and beyond!!! May the Force Be With YOU!!! Goodbye....

BYE!!!!! :P

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