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Wednesday, March 2, 2011

Hi guys ,
Alright , so what is new in the life of a procrastinator/hormonally unbalance teen ? Nothing much , I wake up every morning to the sound of my alarm clock chiming in my ear alerting me of a new day . What follows next is a blur, I race downstairs and start on my school work . Every day , it seems the same . Will it ever change ?

Recently , I realized that other teens have the same unbalanced , insecure feelings that I feel day in and day out . I have my good days and my just plain awful days . I think that is life though . I wish I didn't feel like I am fat and stupid , that my life won't end out working at McDonalds .
After talking with a good friend , I realized that similarly he feels the same way . It is normal . So , maybe I am not a freak after all .

I hope to be a great writer one day . That is why I spend as much time as I do writing this blog . Although, my friends and weirdos dropping in just want to get entertained , I write this for me . I write this to let out all of my feelings after a day .

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